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PXIe-4340, PXI Displacement Input Module
The PXI Displacement Input Module supports 4-, 5-, and 6-wire AC linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) and AC rotary variable differential transformer (RVDT) measurements. The module simultaneously samples each analog input and sets the excitation frequency and voltage for each channel independently. You can set different timing, triggering, and sampling modes for each channel independently. Diagnostic features include self-calibration, overcurrent detection, and open coil detection.The PXI Displacement Input Module includes the NI-DAQmx driver and configuration utility that simplify configuration and measurements. NI-DAQmx supports NI programming environments as well as Python, ANSI C, C#.NET, and MathWorks MATLAB® software.
Circuit Breaker Analyzer
CAT Standard Series
The CAT Standard series circuit breaker analyzers & timers are stand-alone or a PC-controlled digital instruments for circuit breakers condition assessments. The timing channels record closing and opening of the arcing, resistor, and auxiliary contacts. CAT Standard series records graphs of both, trip and close coil currents and displacements of the HV and MV circuit breaker moving parts. The main contact channels can also measure the resistance value of the pre-insertion resistors (if present in the circuit breaker). Test results can be downloaded to a USB memory stick or saved to internal memory. The CAT Standard series internal memory can store up to 500 test results (numerical and graphical data). Test results can also be printed on the 80 mm (3.15 inch) thermal printer (optional accessory) in tabular and graphical form. CAT Standard series provides an easy selection of different operational modes:
Compact Laser Vibrometer
The new all-in-one CLV-2534 Compact Laser Vibrometer is made up of a rack-mountable 19?? controller supplying laser power to the sensor head via a fiber optical cable. Both compact and flexible in application, surface vibration in velocity and displacement are measured with high precision and low noise in a bandwidth of 3.2 MHz at 10 m/s maximum velocity.
Current Transformers Test Set
Supreme Instrument Laboratories
The basic unit is sensitive magnetic comparator and also it incorporates electronic null detector to facilitate the balance. The reference Current 5A. or IA. obtained from Standard Current Transformer and in comparison to that the vector length and phase displacement is measured. The ratio error in percentage and phase displacement in minutes are directly compared and indicated on dials.
Data Logger Software Module
Metra Mess- und Frequenztechnik in Radebeul e.K.
*Data logger and monitor*Records binary or text files which can be processed by other software*Bar graph and numeric display*Level recording if signal exceeds threshold*Adjustable trip delay*Pre- and post-triggering*Recording of vibration acceleration*VM-REC+ also for velocity and displacement*RMS, positive, negative and unsigned peak values, instantaneous value*Up to four signals per window*One VM-REC license can be operated simultaneously up to four times with different settings *External Messengers*Offline measurement
Digital Displacement Inductive Sensor
EX-V Series
High-speed, high-accuracy, digital inductive displacement sensors with sub-micron resolution and an ultra-fast 40,000 samples/sec. sampling rate. Automatic Bottom-dead-center measurement mode. High-speed sampling : 40,000 samples/second. Digital Inductive Displacement Sensor
Digital Eddy Current Displacement Sensor
ZET 7140-S
A digital eddy current sensor consists of a primary transducer (eddy current probe) and the ZET 7140-S measuring unit.
Disc Series Meters
Recordall Disc Series Meters provide an accurate, cost-effective solution for your residential metering needs. Combining the accuracy of positive displacement meters with the reliability and economy of nutating disc technology, the simple but efficient design of this meter makes it an ideal solution for measuring flow.
Displacement Sensing Products
Ideal for precise micro-position measurements, our miniature linear variable displacement transducers (LVDTs) provide accurate, repeatable measurement. Inductive contact, non-contact, slide, and spring-actuated sensors are available in various stroke lengths-- ideal in spaces where traditional LVDTs are too large. Our sensors operate in harsh environments over millions of cycles without degradation in performance
Displacement Transducers
Displacement transducers are suitable for direct, accurate measurement of displacements in automatic control and metrology.
DMS Transmitter
Knick Elektronische Messgeräte GmbH & Co. KG.
Transmitter for load cells and the evaluation of strain gages in 6 mm housing with calibrated range selection.Detection signals from sensors for physical variables such as displacement, angle, pressure or force. Functional safety up to SIL 2, SIL 3 redundant to parameterization via interface or intuitively, directly on the device. Universal use with 24 V DC or AC power supply.
Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer
The METTLER TOLEDO DMA/SDTA1+ sets new standards in the market. In comparison with conventional DMA instruments it offers new and unique performance benefits: A frequency range up to 1000 Hz for material behavior simulation and accurate determination of moduli through the presence of a dedicated force sensor. Unique measurement of both displacement and force results in a very accurate determination of moduli. Wide force range from 1 mN to 40 N allows you to measure very soft and very stiff samples
Force and Displacement Monitoring
burster präzisionsmeßtechnik gmbh
Measuring accuracy of up to 0.05 %, sampling rate 10 kHz maximal, innovative evaluation elements, i.e. windows, thresholds, trapeziums, envelope curves, freely definable mathematical operations, two synchronous processes can be monitored, 128 measuring programms, intelligent Signal sampling, programmable I/O functions, Ethernet, USB, RS232, extensive diagnostics and statistical analysis, all usual sensor interfaces, variable fieldbus interfaces, powerful PC Software
Frequency Response Function
FFT Spectral Analysis. Frequency Response Function (FRF) is a commonly used measurement type of the Dynamic Signal Analyzer. FRF is defined as the ratio of response i.e. acceleration, velocity, or displacement with respect to the excitation force which is the reference.
Fretting Tester
FFT Series
Fretting wear is a test where surface damage occurs between two contacting surfaces experiencing oscillatory displacement of small amplitude. At the contact point, lubricant/coating is squeezed out or the low amplitude motion does not permit the contact area to be re lubricated/ debris dislodge resulting in serious local wear occurs. This type of wear causes two-body abrasion, adhesion and/or fretting fatigue wear.
Fully Automatic Test Machine for Ceramic Substrates
1. CCD automatic alignment, with an accuracy of ± 10μm2. Support layout test, displacement function3. The upper and lower jigs X, Y, θ are automatically fine-tuned to improve the yield4. Automatic loading and unloading of magazine5. Automatic bad marking and verification of scratches
General Purpose - AC Operation
Columbia Research Laboratories
The S Series LVDT's are Columbia's general purpose line of LVDTs. They are designed to sense linear displacement over the ranges of +/-0.04" to +/-0.30" and translate this motion into a precisely proportional voltage for measurement and control.
Geological Faults
A fault (also rupture, crack, displacement or disturbance in the narrower sense) is a tectonic tear or fracture in the rock, which offsets two rock areas or crust parts over distances from the centimeter range to a few tens to hundreds of kilometers.
High Stroke/Length Ratio - AC Operation
Columbia Research Laboratories
The Columbia H Series LVDT's provides an exceptionally high stroke-to-length ratio while maintaining excellent performance. With a linear range of +/- 1.0" to +/- 3.0" the H Series has found extensive application in position sensing and displacement measurement on large valves and remotely operated industrial process controls.
Horizontal Dilatometers
TA Instruments’ unique True Differential configuration makes our dilatometers the preferred choice for the most accurate measurement of Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE). The high precision linear position sensor, the thermostat equipped measuring head housing, and the use of thermally ultra-stable materials all contribute to the outstanding displacement resolution, and ensure the most accurate measurement of low CTE values.
Integrated Displacement Sensing
With its slim size, the IDS can be directly integrated into machines for free-beam operation and is the product of choice for challenging OEM & synchrotron applications. A passively cooled housing prevents contamination of optical and electrical components.
Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs)
Whilst there are several ways to measure displacement, the Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) remains a popular transducer in most industrial applications. LVDTs initially were used as a means of taking dimensional readings in laboratories. They gained popularity in a wide variety of industrial monitoring and control applications, and whilst an LVDT is used to measure displacement the technology can be employed within other transducer types.
Load and Displacement Monitoring
burster präzisionsmeßtechnik gmbh
Measuring accuracy of up to 0.05 %, sampling rate 10 kHz maximal, innovative evaluation elements, i.e. windows, thresholds, trapeziums, envelope curves, freely definable mathematical operations, two synchronous processes can be monitored, 128 measuring programms, intelligent Signal sampling, programmable I/O functions, Ethernet, USB, RS232, extensive diagnostics and statistical analysis, all usual sensor interfaces, variable fieldbus interfaces, powerful PC Software
Long-Travel Extensometer For Soft Materials
A Long-Travel Extensometer That Is Now Easier to Use and Even More Precise The DSES-1000 is a long-travel contact-type extensometer able to measure displacement up to the breakpoint in tensile tests of rubber and other soft materials. The upper and lower arms are clamped to respective gauge positions using a simple single operation, with each arm tracking sample elongation independently.
LVDT Displacement Sensors "Economy Series"
INELTA Sensorsysteme GmbH & Co. KG
With a higher Rel. linearity error and a smaller Operation temperature range as well as a simplified type of construction, these LVDTs can be poduced and sold cheaper.
LVDT Displacement Sensors With Ball Swivel Heads
INELTA Sensorsysteme GmbH & Co. KG
This LVDT Series is made for a rough, industrial use. The housing having a diameter of 20mm is fastened "floating" to the application using two ball swivel heads. There is a diversity of displacements up to 200m possible.
LVDT With A Diameter Of 4mm
INELTA Sensorsysteme GmbH & Co. KG
Miniature displacement sensors, position sensors
Torsiograph is used for measuring the rotation non-uniformity in rotating parts of various mechanisms. Torsiograph generates virtual channels for displacement and displacement velocity. These channels are available for further analysis by ZETLAB programs, e.g. for displaying on the oscillograph.
Encoder is used for measuring the relative position (displacement), displacement velocity and direction by means of optical angular or linear displacement sensors (encoders) connected to the ADC input channels.
Non-contact Optical Surface Profiler
The VersaSCAN OSP integrates the Base with a high-accuracy, high-speed laser displacement sensor. The OSP technique uses diffuse reflection mechanism to measure topography of a sample. OSP can be used to measure topography, as a very sensitive leveling mechanism, or charting topography to be implemented with other scanning probe techniques for constant-distance mode operation.