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Designed for the continuous measurement of pH, ORP, pION, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity, Conductivity or Resistivity in a general purpose industrial environment.
Cooking oil and pH Testers
Use our cooking oil tester to make absolutely sure you know whether cooking oil needs to be changed. Testo's pH measuring instruments enable easy and reliable determination of the pH value in liquids as well as in semi-solid and viscoplastic media.
Electrochemical Measurements
A portable pH-meter from CHAUVIN ARNOUX is ideal for mobile applications: in the field, in the laboratory or in production. It can be used for quick, accurate, professional measurements of pH, Redox potential and temperature.
Environmental, Dairy & Agri-Food
Automated analyzers using either direct-read discrete or continuous flow technologies offer a broad range of tests and capacities for beverages and all types of water analysis, including municipal, wastewater, and fresh and ocean sources. For the production of cultured dairy products, unique continuous pH monitoring solutions provide a complete fermentation profile to ensure culture consistency.
Fertilizer / Moisture / Temperature Soil Sensor
The sensor can remain permanently in the ground and transmits the measured data wirelessly over an IoT net to a server or to a local control center, where they can be used for large area monitoring of soil data (big-data) and also for the automatic control of irrigation and for precisely dosed fertilization. In addition to the total fertilizer content, the sensor can measure the content of nitrogen, potash and the pH value.
Food Analyzers
The function of the milk analyzer is to make quick analyses of milk on fat (FAT), non-fat solids (SNF), proteins, lactose and water content percentages, temperature (oС), pH, freezing point, salts, conductivity as well as density of one and the same sample directly after milking, at collecting and during processing.
Hazardous Location Sensors
The S88 pH Sensors are one part of the Model S88 Intelligent Sensors product line. The S88 Sensors offering includes pH Sensors, ORP Sensors, Ion Selective Sensors, Dissolved Oxygen Sensors, Conductivity Sensors and Resistivity Sensors. The S88 sensors have two Universal Sensor Designs; Insertion/Submersion or Valve Retractable with flared end to prevent blow out. The standard S88 sensors have 316 Stainless Steel housings although various materials of construction are available to maximize sensor performance while minimizing cost of ownership. For other materials of construction request a quotation from the factory.
The iCinac analyzer is the only solution designed specifically to monitor and analyze the acidification activity of lactic ferments in starter, functional, bio-protective, and probiotic cultures. It has the ability to test multiple samples simultaneously and provide the insight needed for precise development, test, and process control of fermentation ingredients. The appropriate inocula can be defined and controlled by characterizing the acid formation of a specific phylum and knowing the specific test parameters’ influence. Additionally, the iCinac meets ISO 26323|IDF 213, the industry standard for determining dairy cultures’ acidification activity by continuous pH measurement.
Insight Pharmaceutical Metal Detection System
The Insight PH Pharmaceutical Metal Detector is designed for inspecting tablets and capsules after the tablet and de-duster process with throughput of up to 30,000 units per minute. The system is built with a gas strut stand frame offering exceptional manoeuvrability making it convenient for use with all leading tablet presses and encapsulation machines.Designed with throughput of up to 30,000 units per minute, the Insight PH comes complete with full IQ, OQ & PQ validation documents and certification.
Ion Meter
It can measure pH value, and several kinds of buffer solutions can be selected to have one-point or two-point (up to5-point) calibration. The user can establish standard buffer groups and the meter can recognize 10 kinds of buffer solutions.
MSR160 Data Logger with Analogue Inputs
Four integrated analogue inputs, a high measurement rate of up to 1000/s per channel and its gigantic memory capacity, all packed into a small format are the key characteristics of the MSR160 data logger. The analogue inputs of the robust mini logger can be used for conventional sensors with analogue outputs (e.g. CO2, conductivity, pH etc). In addition, a multiple output switching power supply is also provided.
N- Dual Channel Multiparameter Analyzer w/ Modbus
MemoRail Modbus A1405
With the increasing demand for a compact and flexible solution to liquid analysis –ALVI Technologies has responded with a new twist in the existing MemoRail. We are pleased to announce the release of our new MemoRail Modbus A1405 N- Dual Channel Multiparameter Analyzer with Modbus that offers an optimal solution for integrating a compact, flexible, all digital analyzer in an extremely cost-effective manner!! Our Dual Channel Multiparameter Analyzer with Modbus can be used with Memosens and digital sensors such as pH (glass and IsFET), ORP (redox), oxygen, and conductivity (conductive and inductive). It’s also the only analyzer in its class that is suitable for use with a digital optical oxygen sensor. All sensor types can be used in any combination in the dual-channel version.
pH and Free & Total Chlorine PRO Photometer
Milwaukee MI411 PRO Photometer is for users demanding fast, reliable, repeatable results with ease of use.
pH and Temperature Data Logger
The pHTemp2000 is a battery powered, stand alone pH and temperature data logger with an LCD. This all-in-one compact, portable, easy to use device will measure and record data up to 131,071 readings per channel. The pHTemp2000 will directly connect to many commonly used pH and ORP electrodes through a female BNC connector mounted on its side.
867/856 Modules
With the 856 Conductivity Module and 867 pH Module, you can build your own, customized solution – whether you are analyzing large sample loads or multiple parameters, or you want to enjoy full freedom when it comes to method programming and applications.
PH Meters
TES Electrical Electronic Corp.
pH, mV, Conductivity, TDS Resistivity Salinity Concentration and Temperature measurement functions
PH Meters
Shenzhen Graigar Technology Co.,Ltd.
A pH Meter is a device used for potentiometrically measuring the pH, which is either the concentration or the activity of hydrogen ions, of an aqueous solution. It usually has a glass electrode plus a calomel reference electrode, or a combination electrode.
pH/ORP Electrodes
The Signet 2724-2726 pH and ORP Electrodes features a patented reference electrode design and uses the unique foul-proof patented DryLoc connector. The large area PE reference junction and pathway is constructed to increase the total reference effectiveness and ensures long service life.
pH/ORP Electrodes
The Signet 2734-2736 pH and ORP Electrodes features a patented reference electrode design and uses the unique foul-proof patented DryLoc connector. The large area PTFE reference junction, salt bridge and reference electrode are constructed to increase the total reference effectiveness, resist chemical attack, and ensure long service life.
Portable Analyzer and Calibrator
ECD’s portable analyzer and calibrator product lines are a simple convenient way to obtain fast, accurate pH and ORP measurements. They provide a milliVolt output signal for fast field analysis of samples, calibration verification, or trouble-shooting of installed sensors.
Portable DC Power Supply
PS 30-20
Laxtronics Instruments & Controls Pvt. Ltd
Input Voltage 220 V, 50 HZ, 1 PH.
Portable pH Meter
Starter 300
This portable meter offers convenience, reliability and durability in one compact design.
Pre-amplification is required to protect the output signal of pH and ORP electrodes from a wide variety of electromagnetic interferences common in industrial environments. Signet 2721 is used if remote pre-amplification is required (e.g. tank temperature >80oC) or connecting another manufacturer's electrode to the Signet 5700 or 8750 instrument. The Signet 2721 should be used with special order sensors built with cables (Signet models 277X-HT or 277X-1-HT).
PRO 2-in-1 Digital pH / ORP Controller
The Milwaukee MC125 PRO pH and ORP controller is designed for people looking to measure and adjust pH and ORP levels automatically with one simple controller. Just set your pH and ORP parameters and let the Milwaukee pH Controller do the rest.
Process Analyzers
202X Series – single-method process analyzers
Single-method process analyzers for water and wastewater monitoring with titration, pH, ISE, or photometry methods.
PRO pH Controller
The Milwaukee MC122 PRO pH controller lets you measure and adjust pH levels automatically.
PRO pH Controller and Pump Kit
The Milwaukee MC720 PRO pH controller and pump lets you measure and adjust pH levels automatically.
PRO pH Meter
The Milwaukee MW100 PRO pH meter features manual calibration and fast operation in a rugged design. The Milwaukee MW100 PRO pH Meter is ideal for users in pools, and hydroponic applications. This meter is also ideal for educators that want their students to learn the basics of pH meter calibration before going fully automatic.
PRO pH Monitor
The Milwaukee MC120 PRO High Range pH monitor offers lab grade accuracy with an easily viewable continuous check on pH levels with alarms.
PRO pH Monitor Mid Range
The Miwaukee MC110 PRO Mid Range pH monitor offer lab grade accuracy with an easily viewable continuous check on pH levels with alarms.