MOSTS6 - Holding Informtest
*MOSTS6 is the first Russian instrument (oscilloscope) with a direct sampling rate (8bit ADC), 5 Gigasemp / s per channel. M-module MOSTs6 is designed to work as a part of information measuring systems based on the VXI bus magister as a digital oscilloscope. The M-module is made in the form of a triple-width mezzanine, is installed on a mezzanine carrier and is connected to it via a local information highway.
*MOSTS6 is designed to convert instantaneous voltage values of an electrical signal into a digital code, measure instantaneous voltage values, measure time intervals between two instantaneous voltage values through two independent channels.
MOSC6, according to the conditions of use, meets the requirements for measuring instruments of group 3 in accordance with GOST 22261-94.