Rapid PSE And Chained Data Test Of 4-Pair And 2-Pair PSE's
PSL-3424 Quick Test for 802.at and 802.3bt PSE's - Sifos Technologies, Inc.
*Accessible from PSA Interactive or PowerShell PSA
*Scans 2 to 8 PSE ports per test cycle
*Automatically determines and adapts to PSE maximum assigned class
*Tests PSE’s that grant full power via PD Classification or through PoE LLDP
*Validates PoE Detection Acceptance and Rejection Range
*Measures PSE Port Voltage at both minimum (DC MPS) and maximum (Pclass) load conditions
*Reports PSE type (AT vs BT), maximum assigned class capability, and Pclass power capacity
*Assesses Disconnect Power Removal response
*Assesses Overload Power Removal response
*Assesses LLDP Power Protocol and Allocations (PSL-3424L)