Fiber Test & Measurement
Thorlabs manufactures a range of devices for testing and measuring the performance of optical fiber. Power, spectral signature, polarization, or end face surface geometry can by characterized with out-of-the-box solutions from our catalog. EO modulators, optical switches, and light sources are available to treat light being used on a test bed.
PRO8 Modular Laser Diode Platform
Thorlabs offers the PRO8 modular test and measurement platform in 2-slot and 8-slot configurations. These customizable bench top chassis let users build a compact fiber or laser diode testing platforms for their lab or factory floor. Modules include lasers, TEC controllers, optical switches, and current controllers.
Optical Spectrum Analyzers
Thorlabs' Optical Spectrum Analyzers (OSAs) perform highly accurate spectral measurements. Compatible with fiber-coupled and free-space light sources, these compact benchtop instruments suit a wide variety of applications, such as analyzing the spectrum of a telecom signal, resolving the Fabry-Perot modes of a gain chip, and identifying gas absorption lines.
Telecommunications Instruments
Thorlabs offers a selection of communication instruments that are ideal for telecommunications (telecom) applications. The products listed below operate at or are compatible with common telecom wavelengths, including 850 nm, 1310 nm, and 1550 nm.
Optical Switches
Thorlabs' optical switches are available for fiber-optic circuit integration or construction. We offer optical switches with integrated MEMS technology, optical switch kits, and PRO8 modules. Also available are optical switches for applications requiring an optical shutter in the 1500 - 1600 nm range.
High-Dynamic-Range Polarimeters
*Three Wavelength Ranges Available**400 nm - 700 nm**600 nm - 1080 nm**900 nm - 1700 nm*Rotating-Wave-Plate-Based Measurement*High Dynamic Range of 70 dB*Excellent Azimuth and Ellipticity Accuracy of ±0.25°*Sampling Rate up to 400 Samples/s*Beam Terminates Inside the Module*Ø3.0 mm Free-Space Beam Input or FC/PC Fiber Input *Fully Featured Software Includes Alignment Tool and Extinction Ratio Measurement Tool
Extinction Ratio Meter
The ERM100 is an extinction ratio meter based on the rotating polarizer technique. This benchtop device offers a fast and simple way to measure the ER of Polarization Maintaining (PM) fibers. It is an easy-to-use device that may be utilized in many applications where the alignment of PM fibers is required.
Fiber Photodiode Power Sensors
These interfaces provide communication between an attached sensor and a PC or other external control unit. They are designed to be controlled via an external device or operated autonomously using the analog output; there are no controls or display screens.
1.533 Μm Frequency-Locked Laser
Thorlabs' LLD1530 Frequency-Locked Laser is a narrow linewidth, DFB-laser-diode-based, turnkey system with a vacuum emission wavelength of 1532.8323 nm and a high SMSR of at least 35 dB. The laser frequency is actively stabilized to a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-traceable molecular transition of acetylene and has an absolute accuracy at start-up that is better than ±25 MHz. The emission frequency immediately after start-up is then maintained with a ±25 MHz stability, providing an overall frequency accuracy of ±50 MHz. The LLD1530 is an accurate frequency reference designed to provide low-noise laser emission with excellent frequency stability, accuracy, and precision immediately at start-up. This source is ideal for use in demanding FTIR instrumentation, instrument calibration, gas sensing, and coherent telecommunications applications.
Fiber End Face Interferometer
Thorlabs' GL16 End Face Interferometer measures and images the end face geometry of single- and multi-fiber connectors. A non-contact technique called scanning white-light interferometry (SWLI) provides high accuracy, repeatability, and reliability for fiber connector testing, particularly for pass/fail testing using IEC or Telcordia requirements. The system can be controlled locally through the touchscreen display or remotely through a browser-based application (see Software tab for details), allowing it to be easily integrated on the production floor.
Portable Connector End Face Geometry Interferometer
Thorlabs’ Vytran® Connect-Chek® Interferometer automatically and precisely measures radius of curvature, apex offset of polish, and fiber undercut or protrusion on any PC or APC, single-fiber connector. The CC6000 interferometer uses a non-contact tilted-phase-analysis technique for fast, reliable measurements of connector end faces. This compact interferometer has a carrying handle and must be attached to a desktop or laptop computer (not included) with a standard USB 2.0 port for operation. The included CC6000 software, which is used to control the interferometer, can be installed on a computer with the minimum requirements in the table below. Designed for use in both the factory and the field, this interferometer provides crucial quality information needed to assure long-term performance of fiber optic connectors. One CC250P Mount for Ø2.50 mm PC Connectors and one RT250P Reference Tool for calibrating the CC250P mount are included with the CC6000 interferometer; mounts and reference tools that enable measurement of other PC or APC, single-fiber connectors are available separately below. When used with an appropriate mount for APC connectors, the CC6000 interferometer is also capable of measuring the APC angle and key error.
Mode-Conditioned Light Sources
Thorlabs' Mode-Conditioned Light Sources are fiber-coupled LED sources that have an output with a flat-top profile in the far field. Common applications include the testing of multimode fused fiber components as well as verification of modal behavior in fiber-based setups. Standard fiber-coupled LED sources can have a range of output profiles that are usually not uniform and vary from source to source. This can be dependent on emitter orientation, alignment with fiber tip, and connector assembly. These mode-conditioned sources have been engineered to distribute light evenly into all transverse modes, resulting in an equilibrium modal distribution at the output. The front panel includes an adjustment knob to control the power and an output port that accepts 2.2 mm wide-key FC/PC connectors. A DS15 15 V power supply with a location-specific plug is included with each device.
Incoherent Sources
Our Incoherent Sources include unmounted LEDs, mounted LEDs, collimated LEDs, LED light sources, superluminescent diodes, and broadband light sources. Our collimated LEDs are particularly popular and are compatible with many microscopes. Versions are available with center wavelengths from the UV into the NIR or that emit white light.