2WD Dynamometers
2WD Dynamometers
2WD Dynamometers
MD-1100 Series
MD-1100 Series - Mustang Dynamometer
The MD-1100 Series took the market by storm in 2003 when it was first introduced and has been a mainstay in the performance industry ever since. The design focus for the MD-1100 is, in a word, versatility. The MD-1100 offers a tremendous amount of power measurement capabilities, loading capabilities and mechanical versatility found nowhere else in the business. Regardless of your needs, the MD-1100 series is a perfect fit.
2WD Dynamometers
MD-800 Series
MD-800 Series - Mustang Dynamometer
For instances where a performance shop is interested in performing basic dynamometer runs for peak power measurement and overlapping multiple runs to quantify performance gains or losses resulting from changes to the vehicle, the MD-800 offers the perfect combination of competitive pricing and performance capabilities as an inertia-only dyno, while allowing an easy upgrade path to add power absorption when you are ready to offer professional steady-state tuning services. Once added, the eddy current upgrade allows for steady state tuning of high performance EFI vehicles via a 900-hp power absorber module.
2WD Dynamometers
MD-600 Series
MD-600 Series - Mustang Dynamometer
The MD-600 is capable of measuring 2,000 horsepower and a top speed of 200-mph. A single eddy current PAU gives this dyne 900-hp of braking, while adding another PAU doubles this to 1,800-hp of loading capacity for steady state tuning and loaded mode testing.
2WD Dynamometers
MD-500-SE XL
MD-500-SE XL - Mustang Dynamometer
The 500 series dynamometer has a larger big brother – the MD-500-SE XL! The 500-SE is an excellent 2WD performance dynamometer and the XL model expands on these traits by adding in a much wider 98-inch outer track and a HUGE mechanical flywheel to increase the mechanical inertia of the dyno to about 2,000-lbs. This additional inertia helps reduce the duty cycle burden on the eddy current PAU and even allows for pulls to be done in a pinch in inertia-only mode. The XL handles vehicles like diesels and Ford Raptors where the 500 is a bit too narrow for these types of applications. The MD-500 XL’s multiple upgrade paths allows for an AWD upgrade in the future and enables it to accept a second eddy current PAU for increased loading capability. We’ve seen this dyno handle almost 2,000-hp to the wheels on power sweeps so don’t be fooled by the 1,500-hp peak measurement specification. If your tires will hook you can measure as much power as you are laying to the rollers. The large K250 eddy current PAU has plenty of torque for testing and tuning anything from your local diesel pickup crowd and local LS guys to classic carb stuff and front wheel drive cars. The 500-XL is great product at a great price with tons of range. It is also easy to install – buy the aboveground kit with the 16-ft ramps and have this dyno set up and ready to roll in your shop in a half a day! if you want to know more call us! We are always happy to answer questions.
2WD Dynamometers
MD-500 Series
MD-500 Series - Mustang Dynamometer
For those shops that wish to ease into the dynamometer performance tuning market one step at a time, Mustang offers a perfect solution. The MD-500 dyno. An excellent 2WD performance dyno in and of itself, the MD-500 is simply one-half of the MD-AWD-500 system. The MD-500’s multiple upgrade paths allow it to accept Mustang’s AWD upgrade in the future and also enable it to accept a second eddy current PAU for increased loading capability should you ever feel the need to expand your testing capabilities. With 1,500-hp measurement capacity, the MD-500 can handle high performance front wheel and rear wheel drive vehicles. If your shop caters to the motorcycle market too, the MD-500 series can be purchased with the optional motorcycle adaptor kit. The 500-SE offers a compact frame with a narrow 80-inch outer track and is great for shops with limited space that mainly focus on passenger cars and smaller pick up trucks.
2WD Dynamometers
MD-250 Series
MD-250 Series - Mustang Dynamometer
The MD-250 uses its powerful eddy current power absorber, a frictionless, air-cooled braking device, to enable it to apply variable and steady state loading. A complete control and data acquisition system lets you design a wide range of tests or select from a host of pre-configured tests included with the standard system.
2WD Dynamometers
MD-150 Series
MD-150 Series - Mustang Dynamometer
With ultra-low inertia and a powerful 625-hp PAU, the MD-150 is a perfect combination of power and finesse – capable of handling most sport compact applications with ease. The 1200-hp measurement capacity means you’ll have no problem pulling horsepower sweeps with this low-profile dyno. The MD-150 is best suited for real-time, steady state tuning of stand-alone engine management systems such as Autronic, MoTeC, Accel DFI, F.A.S.T., AEM, Haltech and the like. From a dynamometer stand-point, the main focus of real-time programming is dynamometer sensitivity, resolution, and set-point stability. The MD-150’s ultra-low inertia design and high speed controller maximize the user’s experience by minimizing controller “wondering” and enhancing system control – simply dial in a speed and let the MD-150 take over. Add timing and watch torque increase right on the dynamometer screen in real-time until you have optimized engine timing and fuel mixture.
2WD Dynamometers
MD-100 SERIES - Mustang Dynamometer
Our pioneering experience has led us to be the world leader in the design and manufacturing of durable dynamometer equipment that stands the test of time and the 100 model has been one of our most durable models. Mustang has supplied over 50,000 variants based on the 100 chassis over the last 25-years and we estimate that about 1.5 billion tests have been performed on the 100 model during this time. The 100 series offers the small shop owner the right equipment for road testing and power checking of today’s modern automobiles and pick up trucks. The 100 is offered at an attractive price and with features that meet the needs of repair professionals more concerned with repairs than performance tuning. The 100 is also an excellent choice for high schools and colleges as it can be used for educational purposes. Optional emissions testers can be added to teach students how to use the dynamometer for reducing emissions. The 100 can be installed in a pit or paired with Mustang’s lightweight composite ramps for installation above-ground.
2WD Dynamometers
MD-1750 Series
MD-1750 Series - Mustang Dynamometer
The MD-1750 has the largest set of rollers in the industry at 50-inches. The 1750 Series is designed for customers whose horsepower testing requirements and drag racing slick tires require a larger, tire-friendly roller configurations. The MD-1750 is available with a wide 96-inch outer track for testing large Diesel Trucks. When coupled with the SE or DE eddy current option, the MD-1750 is capable of properly loading and testing very large diesel trucks without worrying about tire slippage.