SpaceWire LabVIEW Driver VISA
137 - STAR-Dundee
STAR-Dundee's SpaceWire LabVIEW VISA driver has been implemented as a native LabVIEW driver, providing support for the STAR-Dundee PCI family of devices. Software written to control these devices may be deployed on any hardware platform that supports cPCI/PCI and NI-VISA, including both Windows based hosts and LabVIEW Real-Time targets, without requiring modifications to source code. The software is provided as LabVIEW source with password protected block diagrams, allowing users to compile for any target.
Relay Driver
Connector Positions: 4
Micro-D (Female): Quantity: 1
Micro-D (Female): Quantity: 1
Micro-D (Female): Quantity: 1
Micro-D (Female): Quantity: 1