Production Test Stands for Electric Motors
imc Test & Measurement GmbH (imc)
Electric drives such as DC and EC motors are more and more extensively deployed in the automotive industry. At the same time there is an increasing requirement for a 100% analysis of motors for fault detection and error analysis as well as statistics on quality, without increasing production cycles times. The model-based Parameter Identification method (PI method) from imc allows testing to be performed under load, yet without an “explicit” separate load machine. Instead, the motor is loaded dynamically by exploiting its own inherent inertia. This allows motor parameters such as resistance, inductivity and friction to be determined within a few seconds. A mathematical model and its parameters reflect motor behaviour in its completeness and make it possible to monitor motor production based on limit values and trend statistics. The identified parameters of the model equation can then be used to calculate derived key performance indicators of the motor characteristic curve.