Ethernet to GPIB Instrument Interface
Model 9055 - ICS Electronics
* Adds a VXI-11 compatible Ethernet Interface to a GPIB Instrument
* No special driver required which eliminates driver problems.
* Controllable with Windows PC programs like C, Visual Basic, LabVIEW, VEE, etc that make VISA or SICL calls.
* Works with Agilent, NI and Kikisui VISA libraries.
* Controllable from MAC OS X/UNIX/LINUX and similar computers with RPC calls.
* Fully VXI-11 compliant.
* Includes ICS's VXI-11 and VISA keyboard control programs.
* Internal webserver lets you change network settings with any browser.
* Network connectivity eliminates GPIB Bus Extension problems.
* Allows multiple users to access the GPIB instrument.
* Upgraded replacement for ICS's Model 8055 with 2x to 4x speed improvement.