Signal Processor Board
MS 1532 - Meltronics Systemtech
- Frequency coverage from 5 kHz to 30 MHz in 1-Hz steps
- High dynamic range: +30 dBm 3rd-order intercept typical
- Digital filtering provides 58 IFBWs from 56 Hz to 8.0 kHz with exceptional shape factors
- AM, Synchronous AM, FM, CW, USB, LSB & ISB detection modes standard
- Tunable notch filter
- Fast, flexible scanning with 100 memory channels
- Large readable LED displays & user-friendly controls
- Noise blanking & pass band tuning
- Internal switchable preamplifier & attenuator
- Operator-selectable RS-232, RS-485, or
- RS-422 remote control
- Viretx 5 FPGA based design (Two virtex for image processing)
- LPC2468 ARM 7 Processor based design
- MIL1553B and RS485 Interface
- Two High speed 14 bit ADC (125MSPS) for I & Q Sampling
- Direct sampling 2-30MHz
- Audio CODEC
- Conduction Cooled Board