High Voltage Isolator for Logic Analyzers
LX-08 - Link Instruments
The LX-08 series of high voltage logic analyzer adapters provides a safe isolated method of measuring high voltage control signals with a low voltage logic analyzer. All inbound signals are optically isolated and attenuated to a safe level for the delicate inputs typically found on logic analyzers. The inputs on the LX-08 are capable of withstanding voltages up to +/- 300V AC/DC, higher voltage configurations are available upon request. Rather than probing with multiple neon screwdrivers, the LX-08 can provide simultaneous viewing of up to 8 circuits in the STANDALONE mode via the indicator array. Need to catch a transient event or map out a timing sequence? Just add a logic analyzer to the outputs of the LX-08 and turn it into a high voltage logic analyzer. High voltage signals that were hazardous for a logic analyzer can now be measured safely. Typical outputs of a high speed PLC sequencer can be precisely timed and measured from both sides of the control relay. With the built in user selectable AC filter circuit, an AC signal can be measured as DC events or AC cycles.