HS1760/MIL-STD-1760E Network Interface Controller for PCI Express
PCIe-1760-NIC-FP - Avionics Interface Technologies (AIT)
Configuration Variants available: PCIe-HS1760-NCNT: One NC Node and One NT Node, PCIe-HS1760-NCNC: Two NC Nodes, PCIe-HS1760-NTNT: Two NT Nodes - SAE AS5653-Compliant Network Controller/Network Terminal NIC - Unsolicited data path for handling Fibre Channel link service or non‐FC-AE‐1553 traffic - Supports DMA for high speed streaming of data - 75 Ohm single‐ended or 150 Ohm Differential coax interface – TNC connectors - Each port supports 1.0625 Gbps speed - ANSI C API interface for both NC and NT - Device driver support: Windows, Linux, & VxWorks - Quad (4) port board available on request