Tunable, Ultrafast TI: Sapphire Laser
SPRITE XT - M Squared Lasers
Sprite XT is a flexible ultrafast, femtosecond laser source. It delivers stability, reliability and productivity and is equally at home in the lab or as part of an OEM application. Choose your output power (up to multi-Watts), pulse width (femtosecond or picosecond models), wavelength range (fixed wavelength or tunable), and pulse repetition rate (<80 MHz to multi-GHz). All Sprite models are designed for alignment-free and maintenance-free operation and can be controlled from a web browser. It’s ideal for multi-photon excitation (MPE) and FLIM, quantum optics, time resolved spectroscopy, nonlinear optics, pump-probe experiments, microscopy, amplifier seeding, and electro-optic sampling.