C Series Digitizer Module
The C Series Digitizer Module takes both high-speed and high-resolution time- and frequency-domain measurements. It features up to four channels that can sample at speeds up to 20 MS/s—ideal for discrete detection of signals 10 MHz and smaller for applications such as fault detection, partial discharge analysis, and acoustic measurements. The module's store-and-forward architecture allows up to 128 Mbits of measurement data to be sent back to the CompactRIO Controller and analyzed. You can use the module as part of a CompactRIO system and use the LabVIEW FPGA Module to develop an advanced trigger based on low-speed streaming for added flexibility. This digitizer includes the NI-DAQmx driver and configuration utility that simplifies configuration and measurements. NI-DAQmx supports NI programming environments and Python, ANSI C, C#.NET, and MathWorks MATLAB® software.