In-Circuit Test Fixtures
In-circuit testing provides electronic manufacturers a reliable, high fault coverage verification method for the assembly process. Circuit Check ICT fixtures are robust, reliable and designed for easy customization to cover a large range of PCB sizes without impacting turnaround time. We stock a large variety of fixture sizes and actuation methods to meet your test demands. If a stocked sized ICT fixture is not adequate our engineering staff will design a custom solution.
New Generation Vacuum Box for the 3070 Test Platform
Vortex Series
Vortex Series - Circuit Check, Inc.
The Vortex Series is a new generation vacuum box for the 3070 test platform that will easily revolutionize in-circuit test. The simplified and streamlined design allows for maximizing the usable testable board size of the Vortex 100 Performance Grade fixture. The rugged all aluminum design maximizes the opening angle of 85° ideal for Cobot usage, while eliminating the top plate and associated hardware and retaining our classic quick plate guided probe technology.
Actuation Methods for In-Circuit Test Fixtures
Commonly referred to as In-Circuit Test (ICT), loaded board test can be defined as the task of measuring values of components that have been installed on a printed circuit board (PCB). A second basic category of loaded board test measures simple open and shorts on the board to verify manufacturability standards. Circuit Check supports all forms of in-circuit test strategies with its Performance Grade and Value Line test fixtures.
Wireless In-Circuit Test Fixtures
Higher density more complex circuit boards complicate testing requirements while smaller more tightly spaced test pads create a wiring challenge for the fixture fabricators, test engineers and maintenance personnel. Wireless fixtures solve the challenges associated with the nest of wires found in standard long wire fixtures. Wireless fixtures replace the “nest” of wires with copper traces on a multilayered printed circuit board called a Translator Board or T-Board®. Circuit Check’s wireless fixture technologies reduce test program debug and maintenance times while easing the ECO process. Thus allowing for the higher level of test performance, the ability to probe smaller denser targets and achieve ultra-high node counts.
Drop-In In-Circuit Test Fixtures
The Chameleon
The Chameleon - Circuit Check, Inc.
The Circuit Check kit called the Chameleon allows easy re-use of a majority of an ICT fixture’s major components. The Chameleon includes a full size probe plate and interface alignment plate so all valuable tester resources are available. The probe plate assembly is held in place with twelve (12) screws and the vacuum box’s interchangeable push plate is easily replaced by removing four (4) shoulder screws.
Multi-Stage In-Circuit Test Fixtures
Circuit Check’s bi-level and multi-stage fixtures combine multiple test levels in a single fixture using controlled actuation and selected probe travels for powered and unpowered tests.
Topside Probing In-Circuit Test Fixtures
Circuit Check matches top side test targets to your specification and needs. The Signature Series pneumatic drive fixture is the industry standard for precision, accuracy and repeatability.Today’s fifth generation Pneumatic drive supports as many as 8,000 test probes with centerline spacing to 25mil, and contacting test pads as small as 0.014″.
Test Fixture Adapters for In-Circuit Test Fixtures
Circuit Check test fixture adapters are utilized when the target ICT tester is not available or has been replaced with a newer technology tester. The tester adapter will often allow existing test fixtures from one test manufacturer to be utilized on another manufacturer test platform, eliminating the need for replacement fixtures. Contact Circuit Check to discuss your tester and fixture combinations for the best choice of a cost effective solution.
High Node Count In-Circuit Test Fixtures
HNC Test Fixture
HNC Test Fixture - Circuit Check, Inc.
Circuit Check continues to be a leading edge provider of custom engineered test solutions with our new Keysight i3070 HNC test fixture. Working with Keysight Technologies during the development of their HNC adapter in 2011, we were the first test fixture provider to offer customers with a solution to test large node count boards. High node count test fixtures can handle greater than 10,000 probes.
In-Line / Board Handler
Circuit Check’s in-line board handler fixturing exceed the high performance requirements associated with high-volume production. Circuit Check supports in-line fixturing for all the leading ICT handlers including Keysight 5i, Teradyne TSh Multi-Site, IPTE and Pematech. Circuit Check is the go-to partner for in-line functional test fixtures to speed production throughput.
FEA and Strain Gauge Testing
Circuit Check began Strain Gauge Testing in 1999 when BGA/SMT technology started replacing PTH components, reducing strain levels was a reactive post fixture fabrication process. We quickly recognized that the “reactionary” process was neither efficient nor were we capable on knowing the lowest achievable strain levels. Our engineering team came up with visual tools utilized during design to easily identify areas of excessive probe force, though still not enough data was generated to identify the lowest possible strain. Finite Element Analysis software models the PCBA and test fixture and applies the pressures from test probes and board supports and indicates the micro strain level applied to the PCBA. Using the FEA software during our design process allows our engineers to modify fixture designs to attain the lowest possible micro strain before fabrication begins.
Expanding In-Circuit Capabilities
Circuit Check supports reading linear bar codes and 2D symbols within each of its fixture product lines.When spring-loaded probes are not practical or access is limited, Circuit Check can help you with thru-connector tests to contact connectors on any surface or edge of a circuit board. These tests can be implemented spring probes, mating connectors, sacrificial SMT connectors, and stabber cards.