Dual-Port HS-1760 Test & Simulation PXI Express Module
PXIe-C1760 - Avionics Interface Technologies (AIT)
3U PXI form factor fits into PXIe or PXI hybrid slot
Two independent ports programmable as NC or NT(s) simultaneously
Two SFP sockets accepts FC-0 AS5653 or AS5625/AS5627 transceivers
Supports NC-to-NT transfers, NT-to-NC Transfers, Mode Codes, and Broadcast
Full control of sequence and exchange management
Supports large file exchanges
Full Monitoring of all Bus Traffic
Triggering and Filtering
Full Error Injection
Supports DMA for high speed streaming of data to/from the board
IRIG-B Time Code Encoder/Decoder for Data Correlation
Optional Special FC-0 physical layer compliance with SAE AS5653
Optional fcXplorer Analyzer for decoding HS1760 frames