ICP-OES Analyzer
SPECTRO ARCOS - SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
The SPECTRO ARCOS ICP-OES excels in industrial and academic applications for the most advanced elemental analysis of metals, chemicals, petrochemicals, and other materials.Its unique new MultiView plasma interface option provides truly uncompromising axial-view and radial-view plasma observation in a single instrument. The periscope-free MultiView mechanism lets an operator literally "turn" a radial-view instrument into an axial-view device, or vice-versa, in 90 seconds or less. Visit the MultiView Q&A section in the ARCOS Resource Center for answers to frequently asked questions. Plasma power enters a whole new era with the system's innovative generator. This unique, compact and extremely rugged component is based on laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductor (LDMOS) technology. It delivers the highest plasma power available today, enabling previously impossible feats of analysis at the highest plasma loads.