Sixteen Channel 12-Bit Analog Input/Output Cards
PCI-A12-16A - Acces I/O Products, Inc.
Model PCI-A12-16A is a multifunction, analog-to-digital, digital-to-analog, and digital I/O card. It accepts up to 16 single-ended inputs or eight differential inputs. Inputs are protected against over-voltage conditions up to ±35 volts and typically survive static discharges beyond 4000 volts. Conversions can be initiated in any one of three ways: (a) software command, (b) external start commands, or (c) on a timed basis using on-board programmable counters. Converted data may be transferred to the computer by one of two software selected methods: (a) polling for the end-of-conversion signal, or (b) by generating an Interrupt when the end-of-conversion signal occurs.