Demonstration Boards
SAMPULSE50GHz and SAMPULSE70GHzANT - Furaxa, Inc. (Furaxa)
The SAMPULSE50GHz and SAMPULSE70GHzANT are demonstration boards for Furaxa InP single channel sampler/pulser ICs. The SAMPULSE50GHz model contains a 2.4mm combined TDR input/output connector to the common sampler/pulser node in the IC. The SAMPULSE70GHzANT is similar, except that instead of a single-ended 2.4mm connector, the sampler IC's differential inputs are fed from a bowtie antenna. In both models, the IC's differential sampler output is converted, using an AD8009 op amp, into a single-ended ground-referenced output that is sent to an SMA jack labeled SAMPLER OUTPUT.