Root Cause Failure Analysis
Maintenance Reliability Group, LLC (MRG Labs)
Root Cause Analysis of Grease Lubricated Components: Root cause analysis includes a complete root-cause failure report and recommendations for further monitoring and corrective actions. MRG will test for grease consistency, oxidation, product contamination and wear metals utilizing Grease Thief® Analyzer die extrusion test, FTIR, RULER and RDE Spectroscopy. Testing includes Analytical Ferrography and Rheometer testing. Testing can include the submission of a failed component for extraction of grease from failed component and visual inspection for Root Cause Analysis.Root Cause Analysis of Grease Lubricated Components: Root cause analysis includes a complete root-cause failure report and recommendations for further monitoring and corrective actions. MRG will test for grease consistency, oxidation, product contamination and wear metals utilizing Grease Thief® Analyzer die extrusion test, FTIR, RULER and RDE Spectroscopy. Testing includes Analytical Ferrography and Rheometer testing. Testing can include the submission of a failed component for extraction of grease from failed component and visual inspection for Root Cause Analysis.