Wire Harness Tester
Panther4HT Master- Slave DSU - Qmax Test Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
The Master- Slave DSU based Panther4HT Wire Harness tester is designed for testing and verifying electrical connections in a cable, harness, backplane or any other wired assembly. It offers unique Qmax MASTER - Slave concept and SATELLITE UNIT Options to avoid looping back of cable to the ATE. All Satellite Units communicates the measurements through LAN interface which is very useful for on-board applications in Aircrafts / Ships and similar applications where large cable looms are used. This innovative concept will eliminate the long adapter cables and hence storing, maintaining and re work of these kind of cables are avoided. Furthermore single Master Controller Unit (MCU) is used to control not only all the satellite units , but also communicate with all satellite units through Ethernet Communication port. A single reference Cable is used to link the all the satellite units with the Master Controller in controlled loop manner is a value add to the product.