Bare Fiber Aligner
1120 - Photon Kinetics (PK)
The Photon Kinetics 1120 Bare Fiber Aligner makes it possible to reduce test setup time to seconds, thereby reducing overall testing cost. Just strip the fiber, scribe and break it (or use a more precise fiber cleaver, if desired) and then insert the prepared end into the 1120. In an instant, the fiber is coupled to your OTDR or chromatic dispersion test system with low optical loss and low reflectance. The 1120's compact, ergonomic industrial design is well-suited for low to moderate volume fiber and cable testing applications where automated fiber alignment systems are less economical. It is particularly useful as part of an in-process or finished cable test station employing either the 8000i or 8000 OTDR, and the OASYS.net OTDR Automation Software.