Debug Fixture
With at-speed test, debug can easily become a problem: If test points are on the bottom, as is often the case for test processing, then this requires the board to be flip over for the debug. However, during at-speed testing, key devices and signal paths are often on the topside. IST Engineering has in-house expertise with debug fixtures, which allow the test technician to flip over a test board, or even hold it vertically for dual-sided access, while still running the Device-Under-Test at full-speed through card-edge connectors - whether these are standard DIN type or F or N type co-ax connectors. The debug stations are constructed robustly, with metal frames and high-grade flexible cabling and can also be used as backup test stations in a manufacturing flow. They can be built with custom machined waveguide connections for RF/Microwave applications, or with standard, off the shelf connectors, as defined by the application. A number of these debug fixtures are in production use with a range of customers.