Preparative High Performance Liquid Chromatography System
ACCQPrep HP150 - Teledyne LABS
Compared to Flash chromatography, High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) operates under a higher pressure and uses columns of a smaller particle size for higher efficiency and increased resolution for purer results.
HPLC is divided into analytical and preparative forms. Prep HPLC uses larger particles, meaning less surface area for the stationary phase, a higher flow rate and, generally, less pressure than analytical HPLC. Flash and prep HPLC are both used to purify large sample quantities; in analytical HPLC, the goal is to achieve the highest resolution possible to observe each unique compound in the sample. Explore the ACCQPrep® HP150 from Teledyne LABS to discover why ISCO is known worldwide for Prep HPLC.