Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
Keighley Laboratories LTD (Keighley)
NDT covers a wide group of testing techniques used to evaluate the properties of a material, part, product, weld or system without causing damage. NDT carried out at KLL includes:
Liquid Penetrant Testing (LPT) is used for the detection of surface breaking discontinuities on magnetic and non-magnetic metallic materials.
Fluorescent and colour contrast penetrants are available to be used in the following methods:-
Water washable
Solvent removable
Post emulsifiable
Magnetic Particle Inspection (MT/MPI) is used for the detection of surface breaking and slightly sub-surface (up to 2mm) discontinuities.
Bench type crack detectors and portable units are employed producing various waveforms (i.e. A.C, HWDC and induced magnetic flow) to give both circular and longitudinal magnetism.
On-site testing is carried out using electro magnetic yokes and permanent magnets producing induced magnetic flow.
Ultrasonic Flaw Detection (UT), also known as Ultrasonic Inspection, is used for the detection of volumetric discontinuities in ferrous and non-ferrous products (forgings and castings etc.), and welds in magnetic and non-magnetic materials.
UT is capable of penetrating metals, dependent on the material characteristics, up to 10m in length.
Some thickness and depth checks can also be carried out using ultrasound.
Radiography services are available through sub-contract booked in advance. Notice is required for on-site work.
Personnel are available at short notice for in-house or on-site work in the UK and overseas.
All inspectors undertaking non destructive testing (LPT, MT/MPI and UT) are qualified to, and meet a minimum of, PCN Level 2.
PCN Level 3 supervision is available in-house for LPT, MT/MPI, UT offering consultancy services including procedure writing and commentary, auditing of techniques and Level 3 Supervisor cover.
We can assist clients in product qualification, material testing, quality assurance and audit programmes.