IRIG Time Code Receiver & Generator Module
TCR180 - Meinberg Funkuhren GmbH & Co. KG (Meinberg)
The module TCR180 has been designed to receive and to generate IRIG-A/B/G, IEEE 1344, IEEE C37.118 or AFNOR NF S87-500 time codes. It is used in applications like data acquisition, standalone computer time synchronization (for systems without a network connection or higher accuracy requirements) or as an IRIG converter device. The frequency locking of the master oscillator to the time code system enables this module to generate fixed and programmable standard frequencies with high accuracy and stability. Various oscillator options allow the cost efficient implementation of different requirements concerning the accurracy of the outputs. The generator of the IMS-TCR module generates pulses per second and per minute and per hour. Four programmable outputs are also available. The pulses are synchronized to UTC-second.