Heavy Duty Dynamometers
MD-250-HD - Mustang Dynamometer (MD)
The MD-250-HD series dyno (SE/DE) was designed to be a performance dynamometer first with the added benefit of being able to test 2-wheel-drive heavy-duty vehicles such as truck, buses and commercial vehicles in addition to the standard car or light duty pick-up. The 250-HD is certified in the states of Colorado, Nevada and Utah for use in loaded-mode diesel smog testing programs because of its accuracy and reliability. No other dyno in its class offers more value or better in-house motor vehicle testing capabilities than the Mustang MD-250-HD. For starters, the MD-250-HD boasts a 1,500 horsepower measurement capacity at a top speed of 175 mph and a powerful air-cooled eddy current brake provides the MD-250-HD-SE with 900-hp worth ofloading capacity for steady state testing. Loading capacity can be increased to 1,500-hp via the optional DE model. The 250-HD can be upgraded to the 250-HD-SE-M via the addition of a 100 or 200 hp AC motor for transient testing of electric buses to measure range and regeneration or for emissions testing of IC engines. Do not be fooled by its compact size – the MD-250-HD is a serious dynamometer with serious tuning capabilities. The MD-250-HD uses a powerful eddy current power absorber, a frictionless, air-cooled braking device, to enable it to apply variable and steady state loading. A complete control and data acquisition system lets you design a wide range of tests or select from a host of pre-configured tests included with the standard system. The 250-HD’s four roller design makes setting up vehicles a snap – simply drive onto the 250-HD and let the tires settle in between the rollers. The 250-HD can be installed above-ground or below-ground, it’s your choice. The above-ground system utilizes an optional premium platform and ramp system with an above-ground restraint kit. The addition of an axle pull-down kit help keep the tires from slipping or trying to “climb out” of the rollers.